


在马林地平线, the 较低的学校 years are the essential 构建ing blocks of a child's education, laying the groundwork for lifelong love of learning.  


Our 较低的学校 students 构建 self-confidence and moral courage, 培养沟通技巧, and practice how to work cooperatively in a joyful, 安全, 以及具有学术吸引力的课堂环境. 


A Journey of Self-Discovery and Intellectual Growth

Our young scholars are embarking on a journey of self-discovery and intellectual growth. They learn to see the world with inquisitive eyes, asking questions and seeking answers that fuel their understanding. They begin to develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. And they begin to appreciate the beauty of different cultures, 数学的逻辑, 以及文学的创造力. 


Embracing challenges with resilience and collaborating with empathy, 十大电子游艺网站十大电子游艺网站为自信的思想家, 关心同学, 负责任的社区成员. They are not only absorbing information but gaining a deeper understanding of self, 社区, 这个世界. They are shaping their personalities and developing the skills and values that will guide them throughout their lives.



Marin Horizon recognizes that children benefit from an environment where social and emotional growth is intentionally nurtured and developed. Our 较低的学校 endeavors to create an environment for our students that allows them to feel comfortable, 安全, 和自信, 创造一种深深的归属感. We celebrate our differences, share our perspectives, and cultivate a vibrant 社区.





In grades K-5, we provide students with an academic program that is challenging and ambitious. They will develop skills and confidence in the exploration of literacy, 数学, 社会研究, 科学, 还有艺术.

Our young friends don't just learn by listening; they experience their education. They might plant a garden to understand biology, 画一幅壁画来探索视觉艺术, or act out historical events to grasp 社会研究.


通过精心设计的课程, students are exposed to different approaches to learning, gaining an awareness of their own learning styles. Our intentionally small class sizes create opportunities for deeper teacher-student relationships, and students gain a sense of trust and security that motivates them to think creatively and take academic risks.

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社会 & 情感学习

When families visit Marin Horizon, they often comment, “It feels so friendly and warm.” 


At 十大电子游艺网站, social and emotional learning is part of the fabric of our school. 除了学术重点, our faculty and staff work with students – intentionally and proactively – to cultivate self awareness, 自我管理, 健康的关系, 以及对彼此的责任. 


Our teaching teams subscribe to both the Responsive Classrooms program and restorative justice practices to create an environment for these human to human interactions to thrive. 除了, both 较低的学校 and Upper School teaching teams meet regularly to discuss the mood and pulse of each classroom, 以及个别学生, with the intent of providing support where needed, 通常与家庭合作.   


“We prioritize the size and composition of our classes and intentionally 设计 our campus layout to create conditions for kids to grow into amazing young people!” says Anna Varnay-Truong, Director, Curriculum & 指令.


Our Outdoor/Experiental Education program is a hallmark of the Marin Horizon experience. 十大电子游艺网站位于米尔谷的中心, 在Tamalpais山脚下, 被开阔空间包围, 小径, 高耸的红杉. Students will explore the wonder of the natural world during class outings, 一天旅行, 一夜之间的冒险. They practice skills to interact 安全ly with wild spaces, and learn about environmental stewardship.

The 低年级教师 is the heartbeat of the program at Marin Horizon. Our teachers are not merely educators; they are nurturers, 指南, 和信任的朋友灌输信心, 好奇心, 学习的乐趣. They help shape not just the young minds in their care, but their hearts and characters as well. 夹杂着温暖, 创造力, 和奉献精神, they lay the foundation for both academic success and personal growth, leaving a lasting imprint that continues to resonate with the children as they move forward in their education.